A day after petrol price hike sent the political temperature soaring in Delhi, with rising prices keeping the common man's anger boiling, the government maintained the "Indian people have the capacity to overcome the problem". The government said since the oil prices were "decontrolled", there was little it could do about the oil hike.
"I share people's concern over rising prices. I share their concern over low growth. But even as the situation is tough, it doesn't mean, we will cave in," Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told Headlines Today in an exclusive interview on Friday.
Mukhejee, who believed the Indian people have the "resilience" to tide over the the crisis, assured that government would take necessary steps to bring down prices.
"There was a time when the country had to mortgage its gold for a few million dollars. If the country can come out from that kind of desperate situation, we can certainly overcome this situation too, when India is the most vibrant economy," Mukherjee told Executive Editor Rahul Kanwal. Read More
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