Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Asbestos Removal, Peritoneal Mesothelioma, Symptoms Of Lung Cancer, The Best Asbestos Removal Techniques, Peritoneal Mesothelioma Simplified

The Best Asbestos Removal Techniques
Many homes were been built using asbestos, which was once quite popular due to its fibrous fireproof attributes, making it a very common choice for many homes built in the 19th century and even later. The only way to know whether your home was built using asbestos is to have a professional come in and test your home for its presence.
The problem with asbestos is that when it is disturbed, it becomes particularly dangerous. For this reason, if you unknowingly decided to tear down a wall in your home that was made using asbestos, the resulting dust and fumes from the wall could become very dangerous. Asbestos has been linked to cancers, heart problems and respiratory diseases.

Testing Your Home
Before you attempt any repairs on your home or tear down walls, you may want to consider hiring a certified inspector in order to test for the presence of asbestos in both your home and the outside of your home. Depending on the amount found, an inspector often then determines whether it is more hazardous to remove the asbestos or leave it in place.
There are special sealants today that can be used to seal an area where asbestos is detected, but defer to a professional to decide whether this option is safer than actually attempting to remove it. When asbestos is disturbed, the fibers released into the air are very hazardous and can make the home unlivable during the removal process.

During the Removal Process
If it is determined by a professional inspector that leaving the asbestos is more hazardous than removing it, the process to remove it begins. Professionals should remove the asbestos, as attempting to do so yourself could result in dangerous exposure that can later prove deadly. Normally, professionals will seal off an area that needs to have the asbestos removed, so that it does not contaminate the rest of the home.
The techniques to removing asbestos consist of wetting the area with a compound that binds to it so that it holds together during the removal process. This is important because if it is not bound together during removal, an asbestos dust results which is dangerous when breathed in. The way asbestos is often removed safely is when it is wet, sealed, bound together and placed in sealed containers.

The process to remove asbestos from homes is quite involved simply because of the dangers that occur when the asbestos is disturbed. It is therefore crucial that you have your home tested before you do any reworking of your home. This is especially essential if you have an older home.

Unfortunately, many people are paying the price with their health due to exposure to disturbed asbestos. While some people filed lawsuits and received compensation, this is only a small compensation because many can never regain their health. Making certain that your home is tested for the presence of asbestos before you undertake any projects involving the walls, ceilings, or flooring is truly a matter of life and death. Read More


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